Dr. Feelgood

Wilko Johnson - Any questions (source inconnue, 1975-77 ?)

Dr Fingers

I watched Dr Feelgood’s guitarist, Wilko Johnson, playing at a gig, and noticed that he doesn’t seem to use a plectrum or the folk finger-picking style. Can you give me any details about his might hand technique and tell me what his fingers are doing ? What equipment does he use - T. Smalley, Wollaton, Notts.

I play a Fender Telecaster, with an H/H IC 100 amp and two Gauss speakers. When playing chords I use the backs of my finger nails and when playing fills for solos I play pick upwards with fingers. Occasionally I might use thumb and fingers for bass notes as well as chords. – Wilko Johnson

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Document sans titre

© Dr Feelgood & Lucie Lebens - Tous droits réservés
In Memory of Lee Brilleaux & Gypie Mayo